As I received another job rejection without interview, it's just dawned on me that my CV seems to mean that I get rejected out of hand for more junior, lower paying jobs and seems to receive more consideration for better paid, more senior jobs. It's true that my experience is probably better suited to those kinds of roles, but I rather naively assumed that somebody might be glad of the chance of getting the benefit of that experience on the cheap.
Here's the thing:
I don't really want (or need) a more senior, better paid job.
This is leading me to reconsider my career path. I'm starting to think that I really might be better served doing more volunteering and seeing where that leads me. I know how the recruitment process works. Hell, I've been a recruiter myself and have no doubt rejected plenty of people who could have done an excellent job. It's an imperfect process and you'd be a fool to take it personally.
All the same, it's been lovely working with people who really appreciate what I have to offer rather than just binning me off via email on the basis of my CV. (Or, more typically, not bothering to reply at all).
Volunteering only doesn't pay well in monetary terms. In every other way, it's much more rewarding.
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
This feedback from my last interview rather proves my point: "Tim came across as calm and confident in the interview and demonstrated good experience at a strategic/managerial level. We felt that some of the examples given in his answers where from a more senior view point and not that of a BAU BA. He came across as more managerial focused."