I got a card through the letterbox the other day. It was advising me that there was a parcel for this address being held at the local sorting office because the sender had paid insufficient postage and there was £1.50 owed. Normally, this would be relatively straightforward, but although clearly addressed to my house, the recipient on the card was apparently called “King”.
This presented me with a dilemma: we’ve lived in this house for 15 years and I don’t recall ever receiving any post at any point for someone called King. Should I go and pay the outstanding postage and see what it was, or should I just forget about it as likely being a wasted journey to collect something that wasn’t for me and was for someone for whom I have no forwarding address.
In the end, curiosity got the better of me and I decided that I should pick it up.
When I got to the sorting office, I paid the outstanding £1.50 and was given a small, homemade package made out of sellotaped cardboard and clearly containing a CD. It had a single second class stamp. It was addressed to “The King in the North Midlands”.
…I opened it to find a CD of the PS3 game Grand Theft Auto 5 that had kindly been sent to me by a friend who was worried how I was going to fill my time of work productively and sought to take some action to help a friend in need.
Nice one, Steve.
That Game of Thrones reference was sadly lost on the Royal Mail. Perhaps they were indignant about the fact that Nottingham is clearly in the East Midlands… .although then the joke wouldn’t have worked, would it?
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
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