Monday, 9 November 2015

doomed to repeat the past....

If Ye Forget

Let me forget — Let me forget,
I am weary of remembrance,
And my brow is ever wet,
With the tears of my remembrance,
With the tears and bloody sweat,
Let me forget.

If ye forget — If ye forget,
Then your children must remember,
And their brow be ever wet,
With tears of their remembrance,
With tears and bloody sweat,
If ye forget.

G.A. Studdert Kennedy.

I'm not sure we've really remembered at all.

Not really.

link: a history of forgetting ("Red Poppies, a just, proud and precious symbol, has been devalued by Britain’s own inadequacy and is fast becoming just another simulacrum for a functioning democracy").

link: my name is Legion ("the Royal British Legion’s status as the self-appointed “national custodian of Remembrance” has been compromised through its collaboration with some of the world’s most controversial arms dealers, its increasingly militarised presentation of Remembrance, and its commercialised and trivialising corporatisation of the poppy “brand”).

("In the UK, we contribute to the work of The Royal British Legion which supports current and former members of the armed forces and their dependants, and our employees get involved in the Poppy Appeal, which raises funds for the Legion’s work and highlights the contribution of the armed forces past and present").

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