colleague 1: "I'm having a shocking day today. I might just punch someone in my next meeting if it's anything like the last one."
colleague 2: "Now, now. Violence is never the answer to anything"
me: "So how would you have resolved the situation in Germany in the late 1930s?"
colleague 2: "What situation?"
me: "....."
colleague 2: "What situation? What are you talking about?"
me: "Before I say anything else, I want you to think about what you've just said."
colleague 2: "..........................[someone else mentions WWII] Oh, Hitler!"
me: "We tried appeasement and it simply didn't work"
colleague 2: "peas what?"
me: "A. Peas. Ment"
colleague 2: "Don't patronise me!"
me: "I'm trying really, really hard not to..."
colleague 2: "I did an A-level in history you know. I've got a degree!"
me: "........."
Of course, under the terms of Godwin's law, I forfeited the argument anyway, so..... Reductio ad Hitlerum. QED. I wasn't really about to try to explain that though.
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
I adore you. I never stop adoring you. Always be like this, okay? There are days I sincerely wish I could be a fly on the wall at your workplace.
ReplyDeleteThat conversation totally happened.
ReplyDeleteand thank you. My workplace is mostly very dull, but I really like some of the people I'm working with at the moment. Funny. Sometimes deliberately. You're awesome too, ok?