Earworms of the Week
Early because I'm going to watch me some Olympics in that there London. OK? Not sporting themed, you'll probably be pleased to hear. That may come later.
“Books from Boxes” - Maximo Park
I know they've been on my internal jukebox quite a lot recently, but although I've heard an awful lot of "Apply Some Pressure" and "Our Velocity" over the year, it's increasingly this one that I come back to. Paul Smith has always had a way with a lyric, but somehow this is beautifully brought to the fore by a tune that isn't quite as frenetic. Ambiguous lyrics too, which are always good. Still not sure about the hats, and the lingering suspicion of baldness remains... but it's a look, I'll grant him that. It's definitely a look.
“Tired of Sex” - Weezer
This song just keeps popping up on my iPod, so what's a guy supposed to do. I like it. It's hard to imagine Rivers Cuomo as a girl-in-every-town kind of a guy, but y'know, girls they do like them geeks. I should also disclose at this point that I've also been listening to a lot of "In The Garage" too, which may well be my absolute favourite Weezer song. I listed it here the other day though, so....
“John Wayne Gacy Jr” -Sufjan Stevens
Like many of Steven's songs, beautiful and heartbreaking with a slightly odd choice of subject material. The most striking thing about this song is the way that he manages to empathise with a serial killer. extraordinary.
“I’m So Ronery” - Team America OST
What with the flag screw-up at the Olympic football and the news that the current North Korean leader is married, this was kind of inevitable really. I'm just gutted that although Kim Jong-Un has married a singer, it's not the singer he was reportedly dating... a lady whose biggest hit rejoices in the marvellous title "Excellent Horse-Like Lady".
“Get Free” - The Vines
Tune. In spite of owning "Highly Evolved", I'm not sure I could name any other song by this band. Mind you, this one is a corker.
“Can’t Explain” - The Who
Given that I've only just said that I think the Who are a little overrated and that I only really like one of their songs ("Substitute").... of course it was inevitable that another song by the band would pop into my head and I would be forced to reflect that, in fact, I liked this one too. I still don't think much of Pete Townshend, mind.... but it's hard to argue with that intro.
“Is There Something I Should Know?” - Duran Duran
Patti Smith and the Doors? Man, that cracks me up. They were a pretty good band though, so they've got nothing at all to be ashamed of, whoever they were influenced by. Well, perhaps they should be a little ashamed of some of those outfits. And their cover of "White Lines".
“No One Knows” - Queens of the Stone Age
Steve Lamacq was doing a thing on his 6Music show the other day where listeners texted in to tell him the 18th song in their collection that began with the letter "N". A couple of people suggested this, and so he played it. Cue cranking up of the volume on the car stereo. Dangnabbit but this is a good song. I'm not convinced by their other albums, but "Songs for the Deaf" is a masterpiece.
“I Told Her on Alderaan” - Neon Neon
It's not just the Star Wars reference that makes this a good song. Honestly. Gruff Rhys is a genius.
“Kathy Wilson” - Wolfsbane
The 1953 film "Invaders From Mars" is entertaining enough, I suppose.... but even if it was absolutely terrible it would still be worthwhile just because it inspired the mini-album "All Hell's Breakin' Loose Down At Little Kathy Wilson's Place" by Wolfsbane, which includes this song. Wolfsbane were a brilliant band, in a very lo-fi kind of way, and back in the day I absolutely loved them. Their gig at the Stoke Wheatsheaf in about 1992 was EPIC. Anyway. This song still sounds surprisingly fresh today. I'm not sure they'll be remembered for much other than (briefly) supplying Iron Maiden with the services of their singer, Blaze Bayley... but I loved them and remember them fondly. In fact, I was a Howling Mad Shit Head. Yeah, you probably had to be there.
Right, that's it. See you in a few days. Fencing, Archery, weightlifting, table-tennis, hockey, badminton and volleyball before we next speak. See you on the other side.....
Any photo will do
22 hours ago
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