Earworms of the Week
“L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.” – Noah and the Whale
My Favourite album of last year, but one that I haven’t listened to in a little while. I was inspired to dig it out again when I saw a guy at the Broadway cinema for the screening of “Prometheus” we were attending wearing a t-shirt of the band. In actual fact, his hair was ridiculous enough that he could easily have been IN the band. I enjoyed the film, FWIW. The plot isn’t entirely without holes, I grant you, but I thought that the secret to enjoying it was to relax and accept that it wasn’t going to give us all the answers. I thought it was stylishly done, and I like leaving the cinema with lots of unexplained things to discuss on the way home. Still love this song too, by the way.
“People Are Strange” – The Doors
I can’t stand the breakfast presenter on BBC 6music, on the whole, and will generally listen to 5live instead. This week though, my radio had been re-tuned after a splendidly awful piece of Olympic programming presented woodenly by Mark Foster and Colin Jackson. 6music was the obvious choice, and I’ve generally enjoyed starting my day to a bit of music instead of Nicky Campbell wittering away about the economic crisis in the European economy. Shaun Keaveny might be a bit of an idiot, but you can’t argue with the Doors, can you?
“World in Motion” – England and New Order
What happened to football songs? I know they were almost always shit, and I know that every English football fan is currently pretending that they’re realistic about England’s chances in Euro 2012 (which kicks of tonight, apparently)… but why can’t we be treated to the sight of John Terry and Andy Carroll looking awkward in a recording studio instead of just looking awkward on a football pitch? Surely we deserve that much?
“California Uber Alles” – Dead Kennedys
Love a bit of Jello Biafra, me. Love that they draw a comparison here between the Democratic Governor of California (Jerry Brown – who is in fact Governor of California at the moment too) and the Nazi gas chambers. Great intro.
“Mountains” – Biffy Clyro
Still can’t get enough of this record. It just seems to get better and better with every listen. A bit of heartfelt, piano driven, Scottish-accented rock. Proper rock, I mean. Not Snow Patrol, but stuff performed by men with lots of tattoos and big beards. What’s not to like about that. Manly hugs all round.
“God Save the Queen” – The Sex Pistols
“The Queen is Dead” – The Smiths
For obvious reasons. They made you a moron….
“Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?" – Peter Sarstedt
A perfectly ridiculous song that I like to sing in the car with my wife on the way to work. A-ha haha!
“My Lovely Horse” – Father Ted Crilly & Father Dougal Maguire
This is how all Eurovision songs should sound. Ireland aren’t daft: they know that winning the damn thing would bankrupt them, so they send Jedward and we can all have a good laugh. The British mistake is to appear slightly hurt that we don’t do better, and to subsequently have the bad manners to try and win it. We really just don’t get it at all. I’d suggest that we send an entry by Sacha Baron-Cohen, but I think he represents most of the other countries already.
“Now My Heart is Full” – Morrissey
His best solo song, in my opinion. I just love the surging orchestration on here, and his voice has never sounded better. A beautiful record.
That's it. Normal-sized weekend compared to the last one, but none the less welcome for that. Have a good weekend, y'all.
Any photo will do
8 hours ago
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