Look, I would write you a really interesting, insightful post... perhaps about the riots, and how the Nottinghamshire Police have done an amazing job keeping everyone fully informed about what's going off in the streets via regular Twitter updates, or maybe about how researchers, part funded by the MS Society, have identified a pile more genes that cause multiple sclerosis... Another day, perhaps. The truth is that I've spent an absolute AGE writing up a set of pre-season predictions for Cheer Up Alan Shearer and I haven't got the energy to do anything else but go to bed.
It's mostly wasted effort as I've put everyone in about the same position in the final league table as everyone else is predicting, but I've spent hours writing this all out, so would be much obliged if you could go and have a look and a laugh at how highly we've placed Wolves.
We're planning to do more with CUAS this year, so do keep an eye on it. I do at least one post a year where I talk about how I don't actually really like football all that much, so you can look forward to that one, at least.
We're also on Facebook now, so please feel free to 'like' us.
... And inevitably we're on Twitter too. @cheerupno9
It took chuffing hours....
2024: Best Books
3 days ago
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