Earworms of the Week
"Too Many Dicks on the Dancefloor" - Flight of the Conchords
I love the Conchords, obviously, but what made this song pop into my head was Simon Pegg's remark on Twitter that there "seems to be a lot of dicks on the dancefloor today". I assume he was referring to some trolls, but the reference obviously started this song playing in my head. Not my favourite of their songs, but as comedy records go, this is a good one.
Too many men
Too many boys
Too many misters
Not enough sisters
Too much time on too many hands
Not enough ladies, too many mans
Too many dicks. Create some lady space!
"World In Motion" - New Order
So there I was, innocently going about my business at my desk, when all of a sudden the John Barnes rap pops into my head:
You've got to hold and give
But do it at the right time
You can be slow or fast
But you must get to the line
They'll always hit you and hurt you
Defend and attack
Theres only one way to beat them
Get round the back
Best rap ever? Also: brilliant advice for life.
"Gepetto" - Belly
I've been calling one of my colleagues "the organ grinder" for some time now; she has a bit of a complex that I'm getting the credit for all the work we've been doing, so I'm doing my best to highlight her contribution. Looking for a bit of variation the other day, I called her Gepetto to my Pinocchio. It seems to have stuck, mainly because she likes it...which is the whole point, really. Good song this, too. I like Belly.
"Lump" - Presidents of the USA
I haven't thought about this song for LITERALLY a decade, and then suddenly BANG! there it is and it just won't go away. Well, at least I preferred this to Peaches.
"Name and Number" - Curiosity Killed the Cat
Was this before or after they became Curiosity? Was oojit still wearing a beret at this point? No idea, but this is a pretty good record, no?
"This Charming Man" - The Smiths
... the Hatful of Hollow session version, naturally. I used the names of three Smiths songs in the report that I now have to write every week. It was Bowie last week, and it's the Smiths this week. No one reads this report as the contents are too dull for anyone to actually care, but if I have to contribute, then I might as well entertain myself. I plan to use a different band every week. It may cause earworms. As I usually say at this point, every successive Morrissey solo album helps me to realise what a huge contribution Johnny Marr made to the Smiths.... just listen to the guitars on this song. Brilliant.
"Unfinished Business" - White Lies
You know the drill: start listening to the new album and immediately start earworming the old album. There's something not entirely authentic about White Lies. On the face of it, all of the ingredients are there: the voice, the riffs, the 80s synth influences.... and yet it doesn't seem to quite stack up. First impression? The old album is better. Ridiculous lyrics, mind you. Preposterously overwrought.
"Goodbye My Lover" - James Blunt
Prompted, of course, by the Blunt gig I attended this week. I suppose for lots of people, this would have been a real highpoint, and indeed, it was the first song of Blunt's that I heard.... and yet nowadays I just find it confusing. What's he singing about? He starts of sounding like he's leaving someone, then it's her leaving him, then they seem to be fine, and then someone seems to be dying. Am I wrong in looking for a little consistency when there may be none to find? Any reasonable lyrical interpretations?
"Monkey Gone to Heaven" - Pixies
if man is 5
if man is 5
if man is 5
then the devil is 6
then the devil is 6
then the devil is 6
then the devil is 6
then the devil is 6
then god is 7
then god is 7
then god is 7
Brilliant. Increasingly my favourite Pixies song.
"Rockaway Beach" - The Ramones
They played this on the breakfast show as I drove to work one morning. What more reason do you need to love BBC 6Music?
1-2-3-4....what a way to start your day.
That's your lot. I have a weekend of rugby, haircuts, farmers' markets, cinema, meals out, booze and more rugby to look forward to. All kinds of awesome. Have a good weekend y'all.
Any photo will do
1 day ago
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