As I sit in front of the fire and finish off the last of that cellared bottle of 1979 Sauternes left over from Christmas Day, with the leftovers of two bottles of excellent cellared reds still to come, I'm going to bore you to tears about Earworms of the Year 2008 again....
I'll start compiling this at the beginning of next week. It's a needlessly labour intensive process, probably, but I get a kick out of doing it and would like to have as many contributions from people as possible before I get started.
Here's what I need you to do:
1) Think of the five bits of music that have been most stuck in your head over the last twelve months. They don't have to be things that were released this year. Hell, they don't even have to be songs - I'm always earworming the tunes from adverts and jingles from the radio, and I'm never very far away from a Kia Ora or an Um Bongo moment....
2) Write them down in order and put a little bit of blurb about each one. It doesn't have to be much, but I'll put a few quotes next to every entry in the list, so the more soundbites I can get from people, the better.
3) Email them to me at the address in my profile.
4) um, that's it. I'll do the rest and will look to get the Earworms of the Year 2008 list published on Friday next week.
Thanks for all your votes so far, but I reckon I can squeeze a few more out of you before Monday. Anyone and everyone is entitled to a vote, incidentally.....
OK? Good.
The Earworms of the Year Roll of honour.
2005 Coldplay - "Speed of Sound"
2006 Gnarls Barkley - "Crazy"
2007 Rihanna - "Umbrella"
2008 ???
Whilst we're on the subject of lists, the countdown of the albums of the year at The Auditorium continues... We've already had the likes of Alphabeat, Laura Marling, Metallica, Billy Bragg, The Feeling, Glasvegas, Sigur Ros, TV on the Radio, James, Santogold and the Killers, but
The number 6s feature albums by Vampire Weekend, Estelle and Royworld
The number 5s feature Albert Hammond Jr, Coldplay and Paul Heaton.
....I bet you can't begin to guess the ones nominated by bedshaped, LB and me, eh?
It's a pretty diverse list already, so I wonder what we'll pick tomorrow? No crossover between the nominations so far, anyway.
(my niece is still as cute as a button too....)
Any photo will do
3 hours ago
I've whittled the list down to about 10...they'll be with you when I hit 5 (later today, hopefully)