Right then. Before I settle properly into the long weekend (I'm not back in the office until Wednesday now... hurray!), there's just one thing left to do: Earworm time!
This week's Guest Editor is a proper, honest-to-goodness real life friend of mine - if you can imagine such a thing. I've known him for many years, and have spent many happy, woozy times in his company, frequently at Glastonbury, but also at assorted other places around the country and abroad. He's a scholar and a gentleman, and he's more than welcome at Casa Swiss any time of the day or night.
So, ladies and gentleworms, without further ado, it is my great pleasure to introduce for your earworming pleasure.....
Earworms of the Week - Guest Editor #80 - fiery little sod
Firstly, big thank you to Swiss Toni for handing me the keys to his place for a day. Will do my best not to trash the joint. A brief aside before we start - should the blogmaster now consider changing his moniker to Austrian Toni given his ongoing excursions to the Land of Waltz and Sachertorte? One to ponder. Meanwhile, let us begin.
> The Private Psychedelic Reel - The Chemical Brothers
Came to mind whilst iPod-less on a cold walk home. Brought back a memorable Glasto performance from a few years ago. Can something be private with 40,000 others there? It felt like it. Also a reminder that Tom & Ed have their melodic moments as well as their bombastic ones.
> Back When You Were Good - The Hours
- Permanent fixture on internal jukebox for the past month. Soaring intro, well-constructed lyrics that display passion combined with a touch of disgust. Embarrassed not to have investigated more of their work, but on the other hand, this remains my perfect vision of their music.
> Tonight - Hard-Fi
My band of the moment (if moments are allowed to last for months). Seen these chaps twice since last summer, including a bottom-kicking gig in Brighton just before Christmas - I hope they've managed to put the roof back on.... Latest album has barely been off the stereo since it came out and this tune sums it all up. Desperation of reality tinged with a vision of hope for things to come. Touch of West London poetry allied with an audience-participation chorus. Helps cross the boundary from the dark to the light times. Gentlemen, I salute you.
> Half a World Away - Oasis
One of their more thoughtful songs, seemingly not inspired by another bout of drunken rambling. True earworm this, as I awoke very early on Tuesday to find it already running through my head (how did that happen ??). Anyway, no complaints as I am pleased to hear it again. Still want to leave this city though.....
> Right Beside You - Sophie B. Hawkins
The presence of this is entirely due to having read last week's posting (and good wishes to Craig on his epic enterprise). Unlike young Mr Cliff, I was old enough when this came out to actually consider the prospect of being right beside her.... Classic combo of breathy vocals, multi-layered instruments and two-paced lyrics. Definitely one of her finer moments.
> Paddington Bear - TV theme tune
Bizarrely put in my head thanks to some sound-a-like hold music I have been exposed to whilst doing my job. Calming though, and redolent of tea-time TV when I was a kid.......they don't make them like that any more.
> It's So Easy - Guns 'n Roses
Did not even need to to hear the music for this to pop up. Just three critical words and I have Axl yelling in my ear. Where do I start? Received as a birthday present shortly after release, "Appetite for Destruction" is still the most gob-smacking first-listen album I can remember. With this song especially, the rude, shouty, sweary, Slash-driven ending still stands out. A fine tune, and if it's not on Guitar Hero, it damn well should be!
> Addicted to Bass - Puretone
First heard this tune delivered by a female singer called Bic Runga in Australia 10 years ago. This version is more recent but wins due to the magic, Mad Max-inspired video, twice the number of pretty girls and excellent delivery of some well-crafted lyrics. But, to be honest, the title says it all - I can't listen to this tune quietly and it is the kind of thing that will get you caught speeding on the motorway.....
> Police & Thieves - Junior Murvin
Sorry Clash fans, but has to be this version to float my boat. Oddly heard a snippet on Radio 4 of all places and found myself humming it the shower next morning. Definite earworm then and a touch of quality falsetto action to boot. Class.
and lastly.....(over so soon, sniff)
> Hounds of Love - The Futureheads
This is not an attempt to curry favour with the blog landlord, but a simple comment on how earworms work. Compilation album on car CD player at the weekend, easily repeatable musical motif, lyrics worth listening to. Job Done. I do know people who considered this cover sacrilege - Philistines..... All together now...."Oh, OH, oh, Oh...."
So that's it folks, my thanks again to ST and to all you readers as well. May I wish you all the best for a non-religious but chocolate-related long weekend. I'm off for a marmalade sandwich and a cup of tea, while the blogsphere is put back in the hands of professionals. Cheers.
Professionals? Blimey, that's wishful thinking. Thanks for providing us with such a high quality list though mate. As chance would have it, we seem to have been on a vaguely similar wavelengths this week too: I spent a couple of minutes this morning buying tickets for the Futureheads' gig at the Rescue Rooms in June. They're a damn fine band, and the new single sounds great. What the hell happened with their second album though, eh? I only heard a bit of Guns n'Roses on the radio last night too -- "Paradise City" -- and thinking what a damn brilliant album "Appetite for Destruction" undoubtedly is. One of the best ever. I also heard "Suburban Knights" on the radio on the way home today too - a song that is definitely one of my favourites of the last few months and it made me think how I should dig the album out again too. And as for the Paddington theme tune.... genius! I usually earworm the theme tune to the flumps, but that'll do!
Excellent work.
Right. Long weekend ahoy!
Coming up: Cody Bones (28/3), the lovely J (4/4), then you? Drop me an email and it could be you up here with your name in lights. Or something.
Have a good one, and remember kids, this is apparently a festival that is less about chocolate than it is about the brutalisation and execution of some hippy bloke. Happy days, right?
*reaches for the chocolate*
[Previous Guest Editors: Flash, The Urban Fox, Lord Bargain, Retro-Boy, Statue John, Ben, OLS, Ka, Jenni, Aravis, Yoko, Bee, Charlie, Tom, Di, Spin, The Ultimate Olympian, Damo, Mike, RedOne, The NumNum, Leah, Le Moine Perdu, clm, Michael, Hyde, Adem, Alecya, bytheseashore, adamant, Earworms of the Year 2005, Delrico Bandito, Graham, Lithaborn, Phil, Mark II, Stef, Kaptain Kobold, bedshaped, I have ordinary addictions, TheCatGirlSpeaks, Lord B rides again, Tina, Charlie II, Cody Bones, Poll Star, Jenni II, Martin, Del II, The Eye in the Sky, RussL, Lizzy's Hoax, Ben II, Earworms of the Year 2006, Sarah, Flash II, Erika, Hen, Pynchon, Troubled Diva, Graham II, Cat II, Statue John II, Sweeping the Nation, Aravis II, Olympian II, C, Planet-Me, Mike, Michael II, Eye in the Sky II, Charlie III, The Great Grape Ape, asta, Ben III, Earworms of the Year 2007, Cat III, JamieS & Wombat, Pynchon II, Briskate, Craig Cliff]
Any photo will do
11 hours ago
took me till the third track to realise who this was. Nice one. Happy Easter all-I kinda missed that. Prophet Mo's b'day yesterday