Earworms of the Week
We were due to have another Guest Editor this week, but it looks as though Samantha has temporarily disappeared off the face of the planet.... so you'll have to make do with me, I'm afraid.
As always, my list is a slightly fractured mix of the things that I have been listening to, the things that I have heard and the things that are associated with whatever nonsense has been floating across my noggin in the course of the last week. You know the drill.
Here we go then:
10. The Bluetones - "You're No Fun Anymore"
Considering most people think that The Bluetones had their moment in the sun more than a decade ago, they just won't go away. You probably missed "Luxembourg" when it came out a few years ago, but in my opinion almost everything on the album is superior to "Slight Return". They're a great live band too. Besides, what could be better than to find yourself singing (out loud and in public) the lyrics:
"I keep hearing the same rumours
About you and satsumas
Role playing sensation
Strange games with asphyxiation"
9. Rodrigo Y Gabriela - "Tamacun"
A bonkers sounding version of (what sounds like) "Woman in Love" with duelling acoustic guitars by a couple of heavy metal obsessed Ireland based Mexicans. Obviously. Thanks to Statue John and his 2006 Xmas compilation for this one.
8. Amy Winehouse - "Fuck Me Pumps"
This is far from being her best song, but for some reason this song from Winehouse's first album is the one that stuck. I like the chatty yet catty style of it. It's also one of those annoying earworms where I find myself trying to sing it, even though I don't even really know any of the words and my voice is *totally* wrong. I'm about as far from Winehouse's smokey, bluesy voice as it is possible to be....
7. Fall Out Boy - "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race"
I can't decide if I like Fall Out Boy or not. I know I surrendered to the charms of "Panic! At The Disco", but I instinctively feel that there's only so much emo a 33 year old man should be listening to. One thing I do know is that this is a weapons grade earworm and should be handled with care.
Cock it and pull it....
6. Quincy Jones - "It's Caper Time (Self Preservation Society Instrumental)"
I suppose the second the Eye In The Sky lent me a copy of the Italian Job soundtrack, it was inevitable that this would lodge itself in my head. Frankly it was in there before I even listened to the album. It's a surprisingly jazzy soundtrack actually, and I suppose I should be grateful that it's the instrumental version that's on a loop in my head and not the full-on singing cockneys version.
5. Beth Orton - "Central Reservation"
I was resistant to the charms of Beth Orton for a long time. She looks great, but I've always found her music a little dull. Over time though, she managed to worm her way under my skin and I finally gave in when Cat included this song on her Shuffleathon CD.
"Running down a central reservation in last night's red dress,
And I can still smell you on my fingers and taste you on my breath"
That's a sexy lyric, isn't it?
I finally picked up the album last week in Fopp for £3. Bargain.
4. Crosby, Stills & Nash - "Marrakesh Express"
The song that prompted Graham Nash to leave the Hollies (because they wouldn't record it) and to take his chances with a couple of hippy songwriters in California. It's one of those songs that just sounds like the 1960s - there is simply no way that it could have been recorded in any other decade. Actually, in many ways it sounds like a hybrid between the jingly-jangly pop of The Hollies and the clear, acoustic harmonies that CS&N would become famous for. They've done better songs, sure, but this is a little cracker
.... if only I could shake the image of Austin Powers running down Carnaby Street out of my head.
3. Maximo Park - "Our Velocity"
I love Maximo Park. As I generally like my music to be slightly spiky, angular and guitar driven, perhaps this doesn't come as much of a surprise. This is the lead off single from the new album, and although in some ways it's a retread of "Apply Some Pressure", it's still great. It's punky, but at the same time the keyboard riff gives it something different.
I'm slightly disappointed that he's got rid of his brushover though. I'm also disappointed that I won't be seeing them at Rock City later this month too.... not unless I can bring myself to give some money to one of those loathsome worms on Ebay who snapped up most of the tickets.
2. Aretha Franklin - "I Say A Little Prayer"
I was walking in Oxford town centre last weekend singing this song with my friend Rich (as you do), when it suddenly occurred to me that it might give people the wrong idea. Ah, fuck it. Who cares? It's a brilliant song and that moment 2 minutes and 34 seconds into the song when Aretha suddenly takes off is one of the greatest moments in recording history.
1. Kings of Leon - "My Party"
This is quite a long way from being the best song on the new album, but I just can't get away from the absolutely filthy-dirty guitar groove that drives this song along and suddenly takes over about two minutes in.
Play it loud.
And that's your lot. Normal service will be resumed next week, when Cat will be taking up the reigns and presenting us with her earworms.
(And Samantha - if you read this, then drop me an email and we'll reschedule).
Have a nice weekend y'all.
Oh, and I completely forgot another song that's been running around my head all week.
The Violent Femmes - "Blister In The Sun"
I couldn't leave it off the list as it's a great song, innit?
Any photo will do
3 hours ago
Hello, it's your old pal Yokospungeon here, no longer able to login as herself, lord knows why.
ReplyDeleteAnyway - 'Fuck me pumps' - gosh I cannot stand that song, it drives me batty.
Nice earworms otherwise, good show!
Marrakech Express - love it!
ReplyDeleteIf you saw the recent "Hotel California" programme on BBC4, you'll have heard the tale that David Crosby and Steven Stills heard Graham Nash singing with the Hollies, and decided his was just the voice they needed, so they persuaded Joni Mitchell to seduce him (polite term) so he'd stay in California and team up with them... Lord above, I'd succumb if Joni decided she was going to shag me (especially if it was 1967), and I am most definitely straight!
Ha. I feel smug at having both converted you to Beth Orton and introduced you to the Violent Femmes.
ReplyDeleteNow I just need to come up with some corkers for next week...
Ah, earworms. I've missed them.
ReplyDeleteI have to thoroughly agree with you regarding Maximo park & Kings of Leon.
I have been enjoying both albums immensly.
Nice to see you dude.
that lyric is filth of Orton's, makes me want to jump on her nicely