When I hauled myself unenthusiastically out of bed at nearly 8am this morning and dragged myself into the office for a little after 9am, I was kind of hoping for a quiet week. It's the last full working week before Christmas and a much needed extra couple of days off. Although I've got something silly like 21 days of holiday booked between the beginning of February and the end of March, I've had almost no time off at all in months and I'm knackered.
Be careful what you wish for..... As I watched the tumbleweeds blow past my desk all day, I did catch myself thinking that although I wanted it to be quiet, I didn't actually want it to be this quiet.... I don't want a diary full of meetings, deadlines and a whole load of stressful running around, but I do want a few tasks to keep me ticking over throughout the day. If I have absolutely nothing to do, then the day just D-R-A-G-S.
I'm kind of between jobs at the moment. My last role is just winding down and my new role is about to kick off. I know that I am going to be absurdly busy for most of next year as I get stuck into the finer detail and politics of a big merger (don't ask). Right now though, I'm in serious danger of getting bored, and that's just rubbish.
Mind you, I do get to be Santa again tomorrow, which will be great.
That 21 days of holiday? a week's skiing in La Rosiere at the beginning of February, and then a little over three weeks trekking in Ecuador and the Amazon in March.
It can't come fast enough....
Come on. Earworms of the Year people. I still need your votes.
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
That is why you need to get the whole working from home thing sorted.
ReplyDeleteI had a quiet day yesterday (about 10 emails and one 15 page document to review) so the rest of the time I surfed the web and drank beer. Very civilised.
I'm footering around with spreadsheets and filing at the moment - things I generally don't bother with but I'm loathed to start any new projects with just two and a half days to go. Roll on Thursday lunchtime.
ReplyDeleteWhat will Santa be writing this year? Oh, and your vacation plans sound wild. I'm jealous!
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays! :)
You should pop online whilst you are waiting for work. I'm online all the time waiting for someone to distract me from studying for exams..
ReplyDelete..don´t think you can get away with that, the worst song on the worst Pet Shop Boys album - Metamorphosis? tut.