The thing is that I'm determined to only link to sites that I think are genuinely worth looking at. I don't want to just be recommending a site simply because I need one for my 'Blog of the Week' feature. Thus it is that over the course of the last few days I've been steadily adding fresh meat to my blogroll. The more observant of you may have spotted some of it already, but other bits are marked as 'private' for me to spend a bit more time reading and assessing before I make the links public.... plus a couple of them are a little smutty (along the lines of "Girl With A One Track Mind", but I want to see if they are consistently worth reading - like Girl - or if they are just smut. Not that there's anything wrong with smut, but you can find that for yourselves....)
Having said all that... Yoko sent me a link today, and I simply can't resist.....
Blog of the Week #8 – MC Hammer Blog
"See it. Hear it. Talk about it."
I really, really want to believe that this is real. In fact, I don't care if it's fake. It's ace and fills my head with all kinds of promisingly insistent earworms.

[Previous blogs of the week: Delrico Bandito, I have ordinary addictions, Girl With A One-Track Mind, Ditch Monkey, Skinny Legs and All, Wandering Scribe, Sarah]
The presentation went okay, I think.... I actually went back later on in the afternoon to take part in the judging too, and as expected they blew me away. It wasn't so much their ideas as some of the other stuff they came up with in their presentations. As well as their product idea, the kids had to present some stuff on their proposed sales and marketing plans, their finances and their HR policies. In spite of my piss-taking yesterday, it was actually this last one that was the most heartening. Every single group - every single last one - made a point of saying that under no circumstances would they tolerate racism, homophobia, sexism or any kind of gender or trans-gender discrimination in their company.
It kind of gives you a little grain of hope, doesn't it?
The last time I did something like this with work, I came away with a similar warm glow. Maybe the lesson there is that I should look to do this kind of thing more often, right?
Mind you. Having spent all of that time out of the office, I have spent all evening catching up. This is getting to be a habit.
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