Goodness. Friday already. Hurray etc.
Before the hedonism can truly commence though, we must first make our regular stop at the Temple of Earworms. Our High Priestess this week hails from distant, sunny Queensland.... where she cares for animals and for Ozbhoy...although possibly not in that order. Well, maybe in that order, but that doesn't mean she loves him any less.
Yup.... ladies and gentleworms, without further ado, it is my great pleasure to introduce for your delight and delectation.... this blog's favourite artist....
Earworms of the Week - Guest Editor #15 - Di from Bo Peep's Sheep
Mr Swiss! Mr Swiss!
It's a madness and it's catching. Welcome to the music in my head. Mind the last step, it's a doozy!
10. Circus Theme - Some fun midi versions can be found here
You know the one. You're sitting under the big top and the lights go down and suddenly, there's the music and out come the clowns. Welcome to my life.
9. So Long and thanks for all the Fish - Joby Talbot
A soundtrack tune, from 'The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy'. Singing dolphins, people! The reason? 42.
8. Holy Grail - Hunters and Collectors
Maybe it's because there's cricket on the tele. Maybe it's because it gets played endlessly on both the radio stations I'm subjected to at work. I say subjected because radio does nothing for me. That's just me. Don't take that to heart if you love your radio.
7. Little Spanish Flea
It's the dogs theme song. She's not bright, the dog. So any time I look out the window, the dog is wandering around doing some very odd things indeed. One is left wondering if there is a flea at the helm of her brain.
6. Cigarettes Will Kill You - Ben Lee
I have the feeling that this one was popping up on an ad on the tele last week, and it's been with me ever since.
5. The Music Goes Round My Head - The Saints
Can be found on the Young Einstein soundtrack, and goodness knows where else. Actually, goodness has a name and it'd be Mark O'Meara. He's bound to know where else this one pops up. The REASON this song is in my head can be tracked completely to the task at hand. They say there's a song for everything. That includes concentrating on the songs that are in your head. That it's a catchy tune helps too.
4. The Special Two - Missy Higgins
Australian girl. Very pretty in an androgynous kind of way. Missy was 'unearthed' by Triple J, the independant yoof radio station here in Oz. Every year they run a competition, encouraging unknown artists to submit their original music to be either embraced or scorned by their peers. Missy won for her region a couple of years back, getting herself a recording contract somewhere in there to boot. Upon which time she promptly up and went backpacking. It's what you'd do. This particular song is a bit dark and rather melancholy, in a true-love-will-end-up-killing-you kind of way. I dig.
3. 1812 Overture - Pytor Ilich Tchaikovsky
Yes. The 1812 Overture. Complete with cannons. Mostly this comes to me while I'm at work. I don't know why.
2. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
'In your eyes, the light the heat. Your eyes, I am complete.'
I'd love to say that there is a really romantic reason this one is in my head at the same time every day, but I'm afraid it's not. In our bathroom we have three switches that control the lights and the extractor fan. One switch is marked 'light', another 'heat'.
1. Elephant Love Medley - Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman
'Love is a many splendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love'
Moulin Rouge Soundtrack.
Ozbhoy and I live by a promise. That if any one of our famous crushes should ever come along and fall in love with us, then we are free to shack up. What was that? Ewan has left his beautiful wife and loving children in his Scottish castle to come and be with me? You are so dumped, Oz.
Thanks Di. Good list. I somehow love the lists that come from furthest away the most; they're just so different to the ones that I get over here. Not better, necessarily, but....different. No Crazy Frog, for starters, which can only be a good thing.
Now get painting. I want an Di Gallagher original in my house!
Next week's Guest Editor is the delectable SpinsterWitch from Life As I Know It. Looking forward to it Spin!
[previous guest editors: Flash, The Urban Fox, Lord Bargain, Retro-Boy, Statue John, Ben, OLS, Ka, Jenni, Aravis, Yoko, Bee, Charlie, Tom]
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
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