-> Over at Grey City Manifesto, fragrant Ka is still pining for her midget mexican medic (eminememinem?) but it looks like a neighbour will be popping round for with tea and sympathy in a few weeks time as Lord Bargain leaves his troubles behind him and heads out for a much needed holiday. Mind you, he's not leaving before he has inflicted a homemade compilation CD on Adem and Spin... now that's just cruel. In spite of my warnings (I've seen his record collection, remember), they both seem very pleased with themselves. Ah well. Perhaps Sonia is coming back into vogue?
-> Standing moodily by the bus shelter in his hoodie, Capt. Damo has been quietly tapping his foot to the new Supergrass album (although that is a terrible pun, isn't it?). Bee is nowhere to be seen - perhaps she got washed away on her way back from the V Festival, or maybe she just slipped into a coma during the headlining set by Oasis.

-> Outside the slightly scruffy looking house, Citizen Red has been busy waving banners and shouting slogans in support of the brave person who leaked the information that the police saw fit not to tell us about the shooting Jean Charles de Menezes outside Stockwell Tube station. In the quieter periods between anti-war slogans though, young Red seems to have an unfortunate penchant for Travis. Red tries to blame Lord B, but we know better....
-> Resident guru, the num num, has been offering his zen-like wisdom on comics and fountain pens, but even his gnomic calm has been breached by Ikea flat-pack furniture.
-> Lovely Jenni has been pondering the wall being erected by the Israelis in the West Bank and asking for her readers' opinions on the decision of the Lutheran Church of America to condemn it. I can't think of someone I would rather see going to law school, can you? I think the future of America is in safe hands.
-> Flash is being all mysterious, but if it's anything to do with football, I'm just not interested.
-> Di is pondering why she finds the world of online dating so distasteful. I hope she's thinking whilst she paints... I want to get me a Di Gallagher original.
-> Tom has been falling under the spell of a tricky Daisy Donovan-alike lady shrink and is showing signs of actually enjoying it. Who can blame him? I reckon I could use some therapy... ah, but you knew that.
-> Mark has been having a worse Monday than me, for which I can only be grateful. Coming back from holiday is always a kicker... but missing a plane and getting lost in the bowels of the airport? I'm feeling better about my day already.
-> Aravis has been getting ready to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary. You shouldn't worry though, it's not corny at all....Randy is a lucky guy.
-> I don't like these wheelie bins the council has given us. They may make the street look a lot tidier, but I quite liked waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of The Urban Fox rummaging around. I hope they come back soon. The street's not the same without them.
And with that, I think I'm going to end my constitutional and head back home for some sleep. It's a nice street to live in. Shame someone keeps bumping my car, but you can't have everything.....
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