I went to see The Grudge yesterday. I'm not usually a massive horror film fan, but this one managed to pretty much scare the pants off me, and my heart was pounding throughout. Ultimately though I found it a tiny bit unsatisfying. Sure, I thought it was frightening, but suffered from diminishing returns (a little bit like the way that films like Jaws and Alien are more frightening when you don't see the creatures than when you do). I won't talk about it too much here, because I don't want to spoil it for any of you who might want to go and see it, but although the end of the film is great in one way, because it doesn't seek resolution or answers, I still came out with lots of questions (so why is it *her* with the great rage?). Of course, C. told me that I was being too logical about it, but then again, she was absolutely terrified by it.... so naturally I spent the rest of the afternoon making croaking noises that had her screaming (it's a theme in the film, not a perversion of mine, by the way....).
It's good though. So if scary movies are your thing, go and see it.
If they're not, you might want to go and see it anyway. Buffy is in it.
Funny thing is that the malevolent spirit reminded me of Papa Lazarou.... now that is scary.
Dave.... Is that you Dave?
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
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