C. is away on business in China for a week from Saturday, and I've been trying to work out what to do with the gaping hole that this will leave in my downtime at home. It's amazing how much time (in a good way) being in a relationship sucks up - when C. is away I always seem to be almost entirely at a loose end.
I'm not very good at sitting still when I'm on my own - no sooner do I sit down to do something, than I start getting restless and thinking about what I'm going to do next, and then before I know it, I've got up to start to do it. Watching a football match is out of the question - I won't be able to concentrate on it as my brain will be racing (and generally what I will do instead is stick the radio on, so I can do something else whilst listening to the game at the same time.
Ok - sure it'll give me a load of time to Play Tiger Woods 2005, pootle about the internet, read my book, go and see my friends etc. etc. - but I'll miss her for sure.
One of the things that I will definitely do is try and catch up on my DVD watching and CD listening. It's been a little while since I've rambled on here about what's flicking my switch musically at the minute (yeah - okay, so I know I've rambled *elsewhere* about it, but that doesn't count, ok?)
Bonus discs are generally a waste of time, but one that I can happily endorse is the one that came with the most recent Greatest Hits by the Cure - it contains acoustic versions of all 18 tracks, recorded specially for the album, and it's brilliant. Actually, it's probably worth buying the album for. I had it on last night when I was cooking the sausages, and it reminded me what a fantastic band The Cure are.
Other CDs/songs that have floated across my stereo/IPod this week are:
- The Futureheads - The Futureheads
- Interpol - Antics
- The Smiths - Meat is Murder (it's all to do with Rusholme Ruffians and the Goose Fair)
- The Hives - Tyrannosaurus Hives (in the gym - it ROCKS!)
- Led Zeppelin - 'The Immigrant Song' (my favourite Zep song by absolutely miles - and I still love this link!)
- Snow Patrol - 'Wow' (which I heard in the background on "Six Feet Under" unless I am very much mistaken)
- The Vines - 'Get Free' (again, because it ROCKS)
- Johnny Cash - 'One' (yes the U2 one - because of something Serena Wombat said on her blog)
I also plan to make the time to sit and watch:
- The Star Wars Trilogy
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Shaun of the Dead
- Donnie Darko
- Black Books series 3
It'll be weird to be in an empty house for a whole week though.
Any photo will do
2 hours ago
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