OK, time to point your attention to the work of a friend of mine.
Inspired by the Olympics and the vast array of sports on offer, Mac has decided to set himself a challenge: by the beginning of the 2008 Beijing games, he will have tried all of the Olympic sports that his sex/weight qualify him for. I think that works out as something like 136 events at a rate of 1 every 10 days. Perhaps he could be a gold medallist at something he's never tried? (or so the argument went)
Yes, that does include things like weightlifting, the gymnastics, the marathon, the rowing, the sailing, the greco-Roman wrestling, the synchronised diving....
It's all in aid of charity - the sobell house hospice charity - and it would be great if anyone reading this could pop over to Mac's blog and offer him some support:
1) sponsorship - let's raise loads of cash out of this for a good cause
2) offers of help with some of the sports (are you a pole vault coach, perhaps? do you own a Finn class dinghy? Do you have the keys to a velodrome and an intimate understanding of the Madison?)
His blog is The Ultimate Olympian
It's a bloody silly idea... but such madness has my full support.
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
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