Howdy. I've been surfing the web and have discovered some new things:
Stumbleupon - a different way of scooting about the web. You fill out a few preferences, and then hit a button and sort of ramble your way around the web to pages recommended by other people.
In 30 minutes this has taken me to:
Exploding Dog - you submit a phrase and get a picture drawn. I put in "when your mentality catches up with your biology. Now the wait to see if he bites!
BBSpot - very funny blog-type site with lots of lists about being a geek, which obviously I can relate to.
SnipThis - one of those "make a URL manageable" type sites - this one has a little widget you hang on the tool bar which adds the link into your clipboard. Cool huh? (GEEK!)
Nick Denton's blog
Which led to...
Fleshbot - the geeky porn review
Which led to...
The Sex Position Finder
but you get the picture.
Man. It's after midnight on a school night and I'm still up.
and I bummed out on the Predator again in Tiger Woods Golf 2003. I finished thirty-something-th, although at least I was under par this time (by one shot!)
toodle pip!
Saying goodbye to Jennie
1 week ago
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